About us
- 1064Active customers
- 13752Registered domains
- 37Years in business
Our story
NordName is an Finnish domain name registrar and hosting provider. We are accredited with ICANN and many ccTLD registries such as .FI, .EU, .NO and .UK.
We work towards a secure and more transparent Internet, which is fair to all parties. To accomplish this, we will attend the meetings of ICANN and the ccTLD registries in order to convey the wishes that our customers find important. We will regularly send polls to our customers about ongoing questions on the domain name market.
-- NordName Team
Company Information
- Legal name: C-Soft Oy
- Auxiliary trading names: C-Soft Ltd, C-Soft Ab
- Correspondence address: Kylänpuolentie 197, FI-90460 Oulunsalo, Finland
- Business ID: 0678742-2
- VAT Number: FI06787422
- CEO: Kasper Oikarinen
- Support email: support (at) nordname.com
- Invoicing email: billing (at) nordname.com